And instead of or

We’ve all been there. We want to make a choice about something, and we tell ourselves we need to choose one thing or the other. To have one we must choose not to have something else.

But what if you could have both? Best of both worlds, right? Let’s say you want to pursue a passion. Maybe apply for a promotion, a new role or a job you’ve never done before. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into a business. To follow that dream, you think you’d have to give up what you have in order to do that. Your internal story is what’s going to separate dream from reality. That is, the story you tell yourself about what is possible and how firmly you hold on to the story you create for yourself about what’s not possible.

Next time you’re faced with a choice that at first glance appears to be a “this or that”, pause and ask, “how could I have this AND that”. You may surprise yourself with what you come up with.


Ask don’t tell


Learning to listen