Inspiring Leadership, Expanding Minds

  • Organisations

    Collaborate with me to provide practical, coaching led solutions focused on impact.

    Whether you’re looking to deliver bespoke Inclusive Leadership sessions, coaching to support the new hire onboarding or offboarding experience, leadership development for new and existing leaders, coaching embedded as part of in-house talent development offerings, helping leaders coach more and tell less, 1:1, group and team coaching, it’s all uniquely here for you.

    Grounded in real qualified and practical experience. Let me be your trusted partner in transforming potential. For large projects I partner with trusted coach associates to deliver at scale

  • Individuals

    No one lives in a vacuum and our lives are multi-faceted. Some days you feel like you can take on the world. Other days you’d rather stay in bed. It’s being human!

    People turn to coaching for many reasons. It takes courage to be honest with yourself, expand your mindsets, challenge bias and assumptions, develop new habits and patterns of behaviour. If you’re ready to back yourself and take your abilities to the next level, coaching can make a real difference.

    We’ll co-create a space where you can discover your Why, explore your unique strengths and work out what’s important to you. Ultimately being accountable for taking bold action towards your goals.

  • Associate work

    If you’re looking for an Associate Coach let’s talk.

    Where our values and goals align, I occasionally partner with professional development and coaching organisations as a valued and experienced member of their Associate Coach and Facilitator team.

    The breadth and diversity of this work adds to my already varied portfolio. I love helping others flourish and thrive. So much so that I have the logo on a t-shirt

    “Do what you love and love what you do”

What’s possible from here?

  • Re-set your oomph!

    Work with me if you’re looking to work with a professional coach 1-2-1 to re-set and rediscover your oomph! Perhaps you’re transitioning into a new role, making a big life decision, want to develop your leadership style or something else.

    Feel seen and heard as you focus on the areas that really matter to you. Your story. Your way. Anything is possible.

    Ideal for individuals and organisations

  • Unbreakable teams

    Work with me if you are a new or existing team and ready to take a closer look at your performance. Experience Team Coaching as a provocative, supportive and reflective space to face into and design truths about performance. Leverage diversity to foster stronger synergies and performance across the team. You’ll partner with two coaches as your guides in this work. Includes coaching together as a team and optional 1-2-1 coaching sessions for each team member to enable individual sense making. Bespoke to your needs

    Ideal for teams

  • Power-up

    Work with me if you’re looking to leverage the power of group intellect, experience and perspective. Without group think! A creative coaching-led approach, working with groups to explore business challenges, experience inspired leadership, collaboration and get curious about what’s possible

    Ideal for organisations

  • From voice to action

    Serious about your employee survey results?

    Work with me to help your leaders move beyond survey results and into clear and meaningful employee engagement action plans. It takes courage to voice opinions in employee surveys. Make the colleague voice count!

    Ideal for organisations

  • Inclusive Leadership

    Work with me if you want to make space to reflect on your leadership practices and explore how diversity, equality, inclusion and equity show up in your everyday leadership and ways of working. You’ll work with 1 or 2 coaches as your guides in this experience.

    Ideal for organisations

  • Be Inspired

    Work with me as your guest speaker if you are on a mission to inspire curiosity and performance at a leadership, graduate or development event. I can talk about why mindset matters, the power of Neuroplasticity and tapping into our Physical Intelligence to move us forward.

    Ideal for organisations or groups

  • Pause, Breathe, Resume

    Work with me if you’re looking to support your wellness strategies and give your mind a helping hand.

    Short bespoke 1-2-1 and group mindfulness and breath sessions to support your resilience, wellbeing and reconnect with the present.

    Ideal for organisations and individuals

  • Strengths Profile and Coaching

    Ideal for individuals, groups and teams

    Work with me if you want to discover your unique strengths, where you are zapping or charging your energy and want to use your strengths more effectively. Gain personal insight through your own Strengths Profile underpinned with coaching. Leadership Strengths Profile also available.